Friday, August 05, 2005

The Reason for Being here

Cecil John Rhodes (1853-1902)

"Ask any man what nationality he would prefer to be, and ninety nine out of a hundred will tell you that they would prefer to be Englishmen".

This blog is in support of many wonderful sites out there, not least

We Are The English
Campaign for an English Parliament

Please join me in offering your support. Let's get this Country back on its tracks again.

God Save The Queen


wonkotsane said...

It's possible to be British and English at the same time - I am, I'm just English first and British second.

There's nothing wrong with promoting both but he's definitely English, I can vouch for that. :D

kilfinan said...

Proud to be Scottish, proud of the Empire.

Bring back gun boat diplomacy and stop the destruction of the great BRITISH Navy.